Baltimore Doula Community

DoulaID engages with Baltimore doula organizations to support culturally congruent doulas to address the maternal mortality crisis.

In 2022 and 2023, DoulaID teamed up with MOMCares, an organizations that support underserved birthing people who are at high risk of negative birth outcomes in Baltimore City. The goal of this organizations is to address the gaps in birth care and reverse the Black maternal health crisis nationwide by providing life-saving doula services. We have collaborated with this organization to enroll their doulas with Medicaid manually. Through this enrollment process, we have discovered the need for a technological solution to manage the administrative tasks.

DoulaID is an app that invests in human potential by empowering doula learners and workers to engage with underserved clients, connect with sources of sustainable income, and access other vital resources. DoulaID guides users through the education, certification, networking, and payment process. DoulaID also helps birthing individuals connect with culturally congruent doulas. DoulaID allows users to focus on what really matters, healthy mothers and babies.Â